Sundridge Primary School

Sundridge Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B44 9NY

0121 464 7720

Nurturing A Lifelong Love Of Learning


The Governing Body consists of representatives of parents, the Local Education Authority, school staff and local business. The School Business Manager can put you in contact with any member of the Governing Body. Full meetings take place at least once each half term and there are committees which meet more often to discuss other issues.

The Governing Body of Sundridge Primary School meets as a Full Governing Body and committees to deliver the three core strategic functions of school governors:-

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent.


Governor monitoring – how can governors really know and challenge school leaders?

Governors also regularly visit school to monitor key aspects of the school’s development and provide support and challenge to the school.

Being able to observe the children in school and speak directly with pupils, is a key way for governors to gain an understanding of the school, to see learning in process, children’s behaviour and to assure themselves regarding the implementation of a range of policies for the education and wellbeing of pupils. 

Governors also hear regularly from members of the staff, both informally during their monitoring visits and through formal presentations to the Governing Body.


Keeping up to date with the skills needed

Governing Bodies are required to take charge of their own development in order to ensure that they remain fit for purpose. This can include training and development activities to ensure that skills gaps are filled when vacancies arise, and briefing and training events to keep informed of changes to the educational framework.  During 2021-22 Governors have participated regularly in individual training activities and events, attended training with our staff and engaged in whole governing body training.  Part of this process of development includes learning from governors of other governing bodies to enhance governance at Sundridge Primary.


All the school staff and Governors are listed on a board in the entrance area. There are photographs to help you get to know us! We pride ourselves in having an open door policy at school and you are always welcome to come in to see us.

Click here to view Financial Benchmarking Website

Governor Attendance 2022/2023

Meetings Called Meetings Attended Finance Meetings Called Finance Meetings Attended
* Mr S Wall 2 2 1 1
* Mrs A Jones 2 1 1 0
*Miss A Symonds 2 2 1 1
*Mr K Airey 2 2 1 1
*Mrs J Brudenell 2 2 1 1
Mrs H Barron 2 2
Mrs M Crowe 2 1
Associate Member
Miss J Grainger 2 1

* - Finance Committee Member

Governor Attendance 2021/2022

Meetings Called Meetings Attended Finance Meetings Called Finance Meetings Attended
*Mr S Wall 4 3 3 2
*Mrs A Jones 4 3 3 2
*Miss A Symonds 4 2 3 1
*Mr K Airey 4 3 3 3
*Mrs J Brudenell 4 4 3 3
Mrs M McMaster 4 3
Mrs H Barron 4 3
Mrs M Crowe 4 2
Associate Member
Miss J Grainger 4 3

* - Finance Committee Member