Sundridge Primary School

Sundridge Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B44 9NY

0121 464 7720

Nurturing A Lifelong Love Of Learning

In the event of a Year 1 Bubble closure - Please visit our Home Learning page


Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

The topics we are covering in Year 1 allow the children to record their work in a variety of ways, ask questions, bring their own experiences to the lesson, learn about the wider world and discover new knowledge.


Our science topics that we will study during the year are; materials, the seasons, plants and animals including humans.  Children will carry out a wide range of investigations and record our findings in a variety of different ways.  During our work on plants, the children will have the opportunity to plant a variety of seeds and nurture them as they grow in our own garden space.


Children in Year 1 have their P.E lesson on a Thursday afternoon.  During these lessons children will be able to develop physical skills, contribute ideas for a sequence of moves and work as part of a team.


Children will have chance to complete outdoor activities linked to the various areas of the curriculum.


The children take part in music lessons on Tuesdays which are taught by the School Music Service. 



Curriculum Overview for the Autumn


Curriculum Overview for the Spring

Curriculum Overview for the Summer

     The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.