Sundridge Primary School

Sundridge Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B44 9NY

0121 464 7720

Nurturing A Lifelong Love Of Learning

In the event of a Year 4 Bubble closure - Please visit our Home Learning page

Year 4

Welcome to Class 4


PE for this half-term is on Wednesday.  Please ensure you have your P.E. Kit in school.


Hello, my name is Mr Summerfield and I will be your child's teacher in Year 4, I will be supported by Mrs Southern, Ms Conroy, Mrs Bownes and Mr Thomson who are our Key Stage 2 teaching assistants.

Year 4 is a very important and busy year for your child as they prepare to move to upper key stage 2. My aim as class teacher is to create a nurturing, supportive environment and encourage children's independence and confidence as they prepare to move on in their learning. Our classroom is a stimulating environment which motivates children to work hard and make progress whilst having fun.

It is important that all children have their reading books in school every day and that weekly spellings are learnt at home. Furthermore, children will have 'project homework' where they will have to choose one section to complete each week into their homework journal.  If children have lost their homework there will always be spares, so feel free to ask. There will be weekly spelling and times tables tests held on Friday as well. 

We encourage the children to complete their homework as it consolidates the work we have been doing in class and their spellings for their test are part of the homework, which is to be given out on Friday. 

 This year, children in Year 4 will take part in the multiplication tables check.  It is designed to help ensure children in primary school know their times tables up to 12 off by heart. As well as being critical for everyday life, knowledge of multiplication tables helps children to solve problems quickly and flexibly, and allows them to tackle more complex mathematics later on in school.

Curriculum Overview for the Autumn Term


Curriculum Overview for the Spring Term

Curriculum Overview for the Summer Term

   The curriculum promotes British Values click here for further information.